311 Property Management, A Detroit Leader

311 Property Management, A Detroit Leader


We understand that managing your own property can be difficult. That is why we offer an integrated, unique, and personalized service that permits you to maximize your turn and return on investment.



We rely on a network of reliable contractors capable of providing high-quality services at competitive prices. With cutting-edge tactics at our disposal, our team aims to secure the biggest return-on-investment for and rentability of your property


An abandoned property in Detroit. Flipping foreclosed homes in Detroit is a lucrative business requiring a good property management company.




Charging Rents and Upkeep
We know the importance of charging rents and executing repairs promptly. Through our innovative technologies, our team of experts performs efficiently and effectively. Our call center is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to attend to any emergencies.

Unit Delivery and Reception
Each time a new tenant moves into a property, one of our agents performs a detailed inspection and takes proper documentation of the entire unit, so you can be sure about the status of your unit.

Internet Portal
Tenants can view their account, pay charges, and report problems at any time, every day of the week on our internet portal.


Finding Tenants and Drafting Leases
Through creative marketing and an extensive network of agents, we are able to find new tenants rapidly avoiding having your property vacant.

Rent Collection and Maintenance
Your ROI depends on innovative strategies for rent collection and promptly repairs. Rest assured that our team of experts will address all collection and maintenance issues in a timely and cost-effective way. …and more. 

Liability and Property Insurance 
To preserve the integrity of your investment, 311PM manages ONLY properties that have General Liability and Property Insurance.

Mortgage Payments
Is your property not fully paid? Indicate the name of the property lender and 311 Property Management will send you monthly mortgage payments, so you don’t have to worry about missing even one.

Government Regulations
Complying with all government regulations is a key component to maintain a healthy business. 311 Property Management will keep you up to date with your responsibilities with local and federal regulations.

Internet Portal
Our internet portal is available every day in order for you to stay up-to-date with questions, payments, and money withdrawals.


311 Property Management works with several independent contractors to perform various repairs for the properties. Whether it is repairs or maintenance in order to prepare the unit for rent or sale, 311 Property Management handles hiring repairmen while maintaining your expenses as low as possible.

Our state of the art technology allows our team to monitor all maintenance work being performed and will provide pictures of all repairs done.